Literary Theory and Criticism
Sontag, Susan
Assigned: Sontag, Susan. “Against Interpretation” (1722-30). Also read the editors’ introduction (1717-21). “Against Interpretation” (1964) Section 1 1. On 1722-23 (“The earliest experience of art…”), how, according to Susan Sontag,...
Spinoza, Baruch
Assigned: Spinoza, Baruch. From Theological-Political Treatise, Ch. 7. “Of the Interpretation of Scripture” (314-26). Also read the editors’ introduction (311-14). From Theological-Political Treatise (1670) Chapter 7. Of the Interpretation of...
Spivak, Gayatri
Assigned: Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. From A Critique of Postcolonial Reason, from Chapter 3. “History: [Can the Subaltern Speak?]” (2001-2012). Also read the editors’ introduction (1997-2001). From A Critique of Postcolonial...
Strauss, Leo
Assigned: Strauss, Leo. “What Is Liberal Education?” (1100-1105). Also read the editors’ introduction (1095-1100). “What Is Liberal Education?” (1959) 1. On 1100-01 (“Liberal education is education in culture…”), Leo Strauss’s...
Todorov, Tzvetan
Assigned: Todorov, Tzvetan. “Structural Analysis of Narrative” (1918-25). Also read the editors’ introduction (1916-18). “Structural Analysis of Narrative” (1969) 1. On 1918-19 (“The theme I propose to deal…”), what “two...
Trilling, Lionel
Assigned: Trilling, Lionel. “On the Teaching of Modern Literature” (1149-66). Also read the editors’ introduction (1144-49). “On the Teaching of Modern Literature” (1961/1965) 1. On 1149-51 (“I propose to consider...
Vico, Giambattista
Assigned: Vico, Giambattista. from The New Science (340-57). Also read the editors’ introduction (337-40). From The New Science (1725/1744) 1. On 340-42 (“Thus, by studying the common nature…”), Giambattista Vico...
Warren, Kenneth
Assigned: Warren, Kenneth W. “Does African-American Literature Exist?” (2488-94). Also read the editors’ introduction (2487-88). “Does African-American Literature Exist?” (2011) 1. On 2488-89 (“I’d like to make a claim…”), Kenneth...
White, Hayden
Assigned: White, Hayden. “The Historical Text as Literary Artifact” (1463-80). Also read the editors’ introduction (1461-63). “The Historical Text as Literary Artifact” (1978) 1. On 1463-64 (“One of the ways...
Wilde, Oscar
Assigned: Wilde, Oscar. “Preface” to The Picture of Dorian Gray (765-66); from “The Decay of Lying” (766-70); from “The Critic as Artist” (770-783). Also read the editors’ introduction (762-65). “Preface”...